We Represent

The Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI) is an apex Society of entities in the hydrocarbon sector and acts as an industry interface with Government and regulatory authorities. It supports the Government in resolution of issues and evolution of policies and regulations. It represents the industry on various Government bodies, committees and task forces and has been instrumental in voicing industry concerns with various ministries and regulators.

It aims to be the most effective and influential voice of the oil & gas industry to facilitate its development as a globally competitive industry that enjoys the respect and trust of the society. Several Government policy initiatives have their genesis in FIPI’s reports and publications, some of which are quoted in documents like the Integrated Energy Policy.

All major companies operating in the oil & gas sector in India are members of FIPI. It has a Governing Council which is represented by the top-level executives drawn from the large oil and gas companies operating in India. It has a Director General as its functional head and leadership team consisting of experts drawn from the respective functional domains. It has 15 functional committees which cover every aspect of the oil and gas business and are represented by senior professional executives from the member companies.

FIPI organizes seminars, conferences, workshops, roundtable meetings and brings out study reports to support the Govt. with evidence-based policy recommendations.

Acknowledging the contribution of oil & gas companies, FIPI on behalf of the oil & gas industries organises annual award programme where the performance of companies are judged by a respected Award committee and an eminent panel of Jury.

FIPI has tie-ups with international agencies like World Petroleum Council (WPC), World LPG Association (WLPGA), International Energy Forum (IEF), IPIECA, API, NGV Italy and International Gas Union (IGU). FIPI was also instrumental in bringing CERAWeek to India.

At FIPI, we firmly believe that any policy decision must be based on well informed and rigorously established objective evidence. FIPI has commissioned various studies and produced research reports to substantiate its stand on various policy issues.

FIPI under the aegis of the MoP&NG, Govt of India, organised India Energy Week (IEW) 2023, India’s flagship energy event. IEW enjoyed immense success at the debut edition last year. On the success of the flagship event, IEW 2024 was organised at Goa which drew over 35,000+ attendees, 350+ exhibitors, 400+ speakers and 4,000+ delegates, from over 100 countries.

FIPI participates in international conferences and exhibitions and is open to collaborate and forge alliances with international bodies and associations to promote the oil and gas industry and to serve the interests of its members.

On directives from MoP&NG, a CGD Helpdesk portal has been developed at FIPI to provide a centralised platform to all CGD entities for raising their Government Department / Ministry related issues for required intervention at the level of MoP&NG.