Page 29 - Policy Economic Report - September 2024
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                OIL & GAS MARKET

                Table 3: Non-DoC liquids production in 2024, mb/d

                Non-OPEC liquids production       2023 1Q24        2Q24                    3Q24   4Q24   2024

                Americas                          26.67 26.91 27.58                        27.53  27.58  27.40
                                                                                           21.60  21.50  21.48
                of which US                       20.97 21.02 21.80                                3.78   3.67
                                                                                            3.65   0.43   0.45
                Europe                            3.65 3.66 3.58                            0.46  31.80  31.52
                                                                                           31.64   4.48   4.56
                Asia Pacific                      0.45 0.46 0.44                            4.53   0.79   0.80
                                                                                            0.80   1.59   1.61
                Total OECD                        30.77 31.03 31.59                         1.60   7.53   7.32
                                                                                            7.29   2.02   2.01
                China                             4.52 4.62 4.63                            2.00   2.27   2.26
                                                                                            2.27   0.37   0.37
                India                             0.79 0.80 0.79                            0.37   0.10   0.10
                                                                                            0.10  19.16  19.03
                Other Asia                        1.61 1.62 1.62                           18.96  50.95  50.55
                                                                                           50.60   2.52   2.52
                Latin America                     6.96 7.28 7.19                            2.52  53.47  53.07
                Middle East                       2.02 2.00 2.00

                Africa                            2.22 2.24 2.26

                Other Eurasia                     0.37 0.37 0.37

                Other Europe                      0.10 0.10 0.10

                Total Non-OECD                    18.60 19.03 18.96

                Total Non-DoC production          49.37 50.06 50.56

                Processing gains                  2.47 2.52 2.52

                Total Non-DoC liquids production  51.84 52.58 53.08

                Note. *2024 = Forecast. Totals may not add up due to independent rounding
                Source- OPEC monthly report, September 2024

                • From the above table, it can be inferred, that the total non-DoC liquids production is expected to
                    reach 53.07 mb/d by 2024.

                • The non-DoC liquids supply (i.e. liquids supply from countries not participating in the Declaration of
                    Cooperation) is expected to grow by 1.2 mb/d in 2024 to average 53.1 mb/d.

                Oil demand situation

                • The world oil demand growth forecast for 2024 is revised down slightly to about 2.0 mb/d, which is
                    still well above the historical average of 1.4 mb/d seen prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. This minor
                    adjustment of 80 tb/d reflects mainly actual data received year-to-date. OECD oil demand is expected
                    to grow by around 0.1 mb/d in 2024, with OECD Americas accounting for the entire growth. Non -
                    OECD oil demand is expected to grow by around 1.9 mb/d.

                • The forecast for world oil demand growth in 2025 is also slightly revised down by a mere 40 tb/d to
                    stand at 1.7 mb/d. Non-OECD demand is set to drive next year’s growth, increasing by about 1.6 mb/d,
                    led by contributions from China, the Middle East, Other Asia, and India. OECD demand is forecast to
                    expand by about 0.1 mb/d, with OECD Americas contributing the most.

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